I've been waiting for 'Time After Time: The Best of Cyndi Lauper' to download for about 3 hours now and I'm getting mighty impatient. 92.3% gaaaaaah.
1. The Runners Up : So give us 5 weeks to do an english project and of course we'll do nothing for 4 and a half weeks and come up with something amazing at the last minute. In true arts student fashion we complained about what had to be done, did nothing, complained again, some people turned up to meetings drunk, we complained some more, did a bit more nothing, threw some ideas around for an adaptation of Othello which included setting it in a prison with a backdrop of the Iraq war and something about a shark and complained again.
EDIT: Only Mike was intoxicated. And in fairness he also came up with the prison and shark ideas, no sober people had super cool ideas like that. What have we learned?
Our poster commitee (ie, Camilla) came up with a lovely horse concept. It was so lovely we decided to ignore the fact that there are no horses in Othello. Nana Kate, our technology wizard, made a kick ass powerpoint thing while myself and Cassie researched useless things and were generally synical. We found out Camilla owns horses. Brona unfortunatly got trapped in her own house for 5 weeks but miraculously escaped in time to attend our presentation. Mike and Rob provided the lulz and Bo was the glue that held us all together. In the end we decided on a soap opera version of Othello, with one act showing every week (why?!). Gav, Cassie and Camilla made the presentation and blew the examiners away. The only way it could have been better is if we'd listened to Tara and included Hollyoaks. It didn't matter that there are no horses in othello or that the idea was blatently awful cos Camilla was so lovely. Darren held the poster.
Take that Group A! With your fancy Othello t-shirts and your flashy Katy Perry presentation and effort.
2. Christmas is coming and with it, my pet hate: I freaking hate perfume adds. Everytime I see one I get really really angry cos of their general arrogance and just grrrrr factor. "calvin klein *ridiculous imagery* affluence by calvin klein. for him, for her". Honestly, it's enough to make me want to smell bad just to spite them.
EDIT: Perfume adds involving Matthew McConaughey are acceptable.
Cyndi Lauper downloaded! Yay!! Ahhh Goonies R Good Enough is on this!! Ashling trivia: The Goonies is my favourite film.
3.What would a blog be without weekly humiliation from french? Just a quickie this time.
Me: *Misunderstands Question*
Prof: Eh no blah blah blah
Me: ...................... Oh right, tu.
Prof: ... and so thats what you do in the exam, work it out. Like you Ashling, you figured out that verb thing...took you a while but you got there.
Me: o.0Is she fo' serious?! Have I done her some great personal wrong in the past??
4. A Night at DCU: As the genius who wrote the Ross O Carroll-Kelly books pointed out, A college for poor people with dyslexia =P
Neil Delamer is a funny funny man, when faced with odd, under dressed hecklers he is much funnier. The opening act was not a funny man and fell over when jokes didnt work. We did not win the interval's "why did the chicken cross the road?" competition even with James's genius "to lay yer ma" or my "to get to UCD".
You know what did win? An in-joke with the judges. Where is the Justice?
The lift home with Nirina's dad was a life changing experience. It's not that I'm ungrateful but the man drives like a lunatic and now I can add "death by car accident" to my ever growing list of fears.
Here is the list as it currently stands:
1. Spiders. *see earlier blog*
2. Semi deflated balloons.
3. Death by car accident.
4. Drunk Killian Blake.
5. Toilets that are not in my house.
6. Not being awesome.
7. People touching my neck.
8. Stairs. Especially the illegal variety.
9. Thom York.
This week's friend crushes:
The Goonies
George Takei
Oh I almost forgot!! Dr. Michael Brophy made a joke last week! He actually injected some humour into what he said! A historic moment.
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