1) I totally re enforce the Arts student stereotype:
I’m far too good at procrastinating. I’m doing it right now! When college first started, I was all “FUUUUCK me this is a lot of work” but I have discovered it’s so much easier when you just don’t do the work and it’s much less time consuming when you just don’t go to tutorials. As a result you will often find me, Cassie and Kate sitting in the arts cafe, most likely playing tetris while I stalk David. We occasionally venture to the canteen. Of course lectures are far too fun to miss. Some of my favourite lecture activities include:
a) Enjoying how Luca Asmonti pronounces things, says “crispy reading” and dresses snappily.
b) Being distracted by Cassie
c) Having staring contests with the guy from the French news
d) Trying to figure out where the frick Dr. Michael Brophy is from! The man has NO accent!
e) Tetris.
2)French hates me:
I have bucket loads of evidence to back this up.
a)The phone incident: There was me, thinking I was gonna be a good French student and staunch it back to UCD with K.Dizzle to see the screening of L’auberge Espagnol. Of course no one showed up. About 10 people and the lectrices. The film itself was a mildly entertaining tale of some dude who went to Spain, took up pot smoking and fell in love with a lesbian from Belgium. (Myself and karl noted afterwards that more people would have shown up if the drugs and Belgian lesbians were mentioned beforehand). Anyway, we had to leave halfway through to catch the all important Jtown bus. Being all subtle and the like we reach the door only to let my phone drop and watch it fall, in the slowest and noisiest way possible, all the way to the bottom of the theatre, onto the stage, smash spectacularly into 3 different pieces which of course flew in different directions. I turn around, hoping for the moral support of karl but in classic karl style he’s already eeled his way out the door. So I retrieve my phone in shame with the eyes of 15 people glued to me, which takes an agonisingly long time, try to make it out without bursting out laughing and of course fail. Finally leave the lecture hall to find karl practically on the ground in stitches. Yeah... made a show of meself.
b)They lost my assignment. They found my assignment but just kept leaving it places where they couldn’t return it to me. I was annoyed!
c)I’m fairly convinced that French has 4,000 tenses just to annoy me.
3) My accent is blaaaaand:
College life has brought me into contact with many super awesome accents including: French, Donegal, South African, Japanese, assorted bog accents, English, Welsh, various degrees of American and in the case of Dr. Michael Brophy, NO ACCENT WHATSOEVER. This has brought me to the conclusion that my own accent is very boring indeed and I plan on acquiring a new one in the near future.
4) Friend Crushes:
This new concept is very helpful. It describes when you see someone you don’t really know and go “wow... I really want to be that person’s friend”. People who I currently have friend crushes on:
1)Andrew McMahon
3)Luca Asmonti and Alexander Thein (Greek&Roman Lecturers!)
4)Lionel Richie
FOTC Lyric of the week:
So you think maybe you'll be a prostitute.
Just to pay for your lessons, you're learning the flute.
Ladies wouldn't pay you very much for this.
Looks like you'll never be a concert flutist.
*Jemaine Dance*
My favourite thing at the moment: Morning chats with Kate and Aleisha ^^
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