Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ashling hates: buses, old ladies, vagueness, famous deaths, Katey and Miley.

1.Commuting is a bad thing. It eats up alot of time and personally I find it drasticly affects my mental state. I spend alot of time wishing death upon people while I'm on buses. It doesnt help that I've misplaced my MP3 and am now forced to listen to arrogant phone conversations and drunks for up to 3 hours a day. The extra frustrating thing is that all this hatred could be avoided if Dublin Bus would cop on and give me a logical bus route. It could take 25 minutes!! It could be so simple!! DAMN THE 17!!

1a. Old ladies who feel compelled to chat on or near buses are the bane of my life at the moment. Small talk is irritating! Also, if the bus had already come, why would I still be standing here!?! Shut up elderly bus ladies, commuting is crap enough without you all up in my face.

2. College is sometimes enjoyable. The new friend thing is fun, though topic cards would be useful, (Purcell, 2008).

3. Although the college experience is alright, the work is enough to fry one's brain. I wouldn't find it so hard if they told me what I needed to learn. It's too vague "here's a lecure, here's a reference book. On your way now". I need some Specific Learning Outcomes! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME UCD?!?!

4. Famous people need to stop dying/being critically injured. Well the ones I like anyway. Miley Cyrus on the other hand... Take her instead of Travis!!

5. Katy Perry needs to go die in a hole. I swear to god she is a talentless wench.

6. Google Calendar where have you been all my life?? It's so amazing!! It's telling me it's time to do my french assignment now.